Zbiroh Castle

The castle was founded in the late 12th century. It has a front court situated on the Eastern side of the castle. There are two 5m high monumental statues of lions in front of the castle; probably made of metal plates from zinc and lead alloy and sculpted on a metal frame. Terraces lie in front of the south and east facades. Other parts are beautifully landscaped to blend with the surroundings.

  • Zbiroh is located about 70 km from Prague
  • approximately 1 hour by car
  • approximately 6 hours round trip
  • 2400 CZK / 105 EUR for 1-4 passengers
  • 300 CZK / 13 EUR for each additional passenger
  1-4pax 5pax 6pax 7pax 8pax each addit. person
CZK 2400 2700 3000 3300 3600 pax / 300CZK
GBP 92 104 116 128 140 pax / 12 GBP
EUR 105 118 131 144 157 pax / 13 EUR
USD 150 169 188 207 226 pax / 19 USD


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